Search found 73 matches

by Lilly
2011-02-23 17:27
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 我们为什么要打游戏
Replies: 119
Views: 93264

Re: 我们为什么要打游戏(2曲线)

还是很值得玩的, 我强力推荐的说。 :super: 我已经拉了我周围很多大人小孩下水了。笑嘻嘻可以先试一下 iphone version, 好象只有2.99, 我觉得还是ipad version 玩的最过瘾。 嗯, popcap games 应该考虑付我commission。
by Lilly
2011-02-22 18:06
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 我们为什么要打游戏
Replies: 119
Views: 93264

Re: 我们为什么要打游戏(2曲线)

笑嘻嘻你玩不玩 Plants vs Zombies, 这是我最 addicted 的一个游戏了. 我把 iphone, ipad 和电脑版本的都玩了无数遍, 浪费了数不清的时间在这个游戏上. :dizzy:
by Lilly
2011-01-11 17:41
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 老虎妈妈
Replies: 123
Views: 73286

Re: 老虎妈妈

哇噻! 象她这样逼小朋友练琴也太过分了吧. 提醒自己说这个妈妈可是好作为反面教材的. 象她这样的 high pressure parenting 女儿会叛逆一点也不奇怪. :speechless001:
by Lilly
2010-09-22 19:39
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 秋天
Replies: 17
Views: 17127

Re: 秋天

请问一下, 这个上海小馆子叫什么名字, 在哪里?谢谢!
by Lilly
2010-08-23 14:14
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 没追求
Replies: 38
Views: 20238

Re: 没追求

也许是粱妈妈?不好意思,吃了几回了,就是记不住名字。在cupertino 的stevens creek和lawrence expressway 交界的地方一个做台南小吃的小馆子。味道还不错。不过我这是从中西部刚来湾区,对中餐要求低,也许不 reliable.
by Lilly
2010-08-23 12:08
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 没追求
Replies: 38
Views: 20238

Re: 没追求

有天我们在陈妈妈小馆吃饭,看见一个美女吃了饭没带现金,就现出门取钱,正好我们也吃完出来,就看见美女开着车一点儿声音也没有的从旁边过来,仔细一看,车边上一个大大的tesla。哇我们肃然起敬。太cool了. :worthy:
by Lilly
2010-07-29 9:09
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 不能念叨
Replies: 52
Views: 24544

Re: 不能念叨

的确不是每家都这样的。 还是跟行业有关。Knowing 不要被吓倒。 我也有认识的朋友在弯曲工作很轻松的。 只好埋怨自己当初为嘛选这一行。 :roll:
by Lilly
2010-07-28 10:46
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 不能念叨
Replies: 52
Views: 24544

Re: 不能念叨

是呀, 所以我很理解你刚从seattle 搬过来时对这里不满意。 现在我每次抱怨的时候也提醒自己要多想想弯曲比中部好的地方, 但是还是忍不住要时不时抱怨一下。
by Lilly
2010-07-28 9:50
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 不能念叨
Replies: 52
Views: 24544

Re: 不能念叨

嗯,还有可能是我从中西部搬到加州还是有culture shock 的。 我原来的工作非常的family friendly, 时间很flexible, 而且小朋友有事请假老板非但不生气, 还表示十分理解。 公司的妈妈们基本不用出差的说。 所以还能维持 family-work balance。 到了加州发现大家都一周工作90小时以上, 家里有小孩的男同事的太太们都不工作的因为这些同事每天最多见到小孩1小时, 那都还是在小朋友睡着了的情况下。
by Lilly
2010-07-27 14:23
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 不能念叨
Replies: 52
Views: 24544

Re: 不能念叨

天天要加班的工作, afterschool care 也不管用啊。 :f19:

这种working mom 要面对的难题, 真是很讨厌。 总是要被迫在事业和小孩之间选一。
by Lilly
2010-07-27 14:14
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 不能念叨
Replies: 52
Views: 24544

Re: 不能念叨

而且我看了学校的日历, 一年到有无数的假期, 还有加州政府给派的teacher furlough, 总不能小朋友一放假就请假, 这样来几次我也要被permanently 放假在家了。 :speechless001:
by Lilly
2010-07-27 14:09
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 不能念叨
Replies: 52
Views: 24544

Re: 不能念叨

公立学校的上学时间都很短。 我看我们小朋友下午2:30 就放学了。 全职工作的妈妈怎么办呢? 难道家家请保姆或有老人在这里帮忙?现在为这个头痛的很。 :nono:

唉, 说来说去, 就是没有足够多的钱。 :mad2:
by Lilly
2010-06-29 21:02
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 湾区的 farmer's market
Replies: 12
Views: 12840

Re: 湾区的 farmer's market

温哥华和多伦多的中餐都不错. 哎我的要求很低的,在号称culinary wasteland 的中西部住过了,到哪里都比那儿强. 不过温哥华房子太贵了,还是西雅图affordable 的多.
by Lilly
2010-06-29 19:28
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 湾区的 farmer's market
Replies: 12
Views: 12840

Re: 湾区的 farmer's market

房子租在cupertino, 先安顿下来就准备享受一下湾区的好吃好喝的 :love015:
好多人都跟我说在湾区住就和回国差不多. 长住下来的人一点儿也不想搬走了. 不过在这里看到大家各方面喜欢和不喜欢的意见都有. 我们其实在短期旅游过的城市中最喜欢西雅图. 大概先曲线救国从中西部搬到湾区,不知道以后会不会有机会再跳到西雅图去. :dog001:
by Lilly
2010-06-29 8:54
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 湾区的 farmer's market
Replies: 12
Views: 12840

湾区的 farmer's market

请问大家一下你们都爱去的湾区的 farmer's market 都叫啥, 在google上搜出来一堆也不知哪个好。 谢谢! :worthy:
by Lilly
2010-06-28 14:30
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: houses in silicon valley
Replies: 111
Views: 47025

Re: houses in silicon valley

终于在cupertino租了房子。 说是学区好, 其实学区巨穷。所谓的 API 高分全是家长 push 出来的。 就是为了某人上班方便。 房子又小又贵。 不过中餐比midwest好多了, 只好安慰自己的想。 :gromit_hat:
by Lilly
2010-06-11 11:19
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: houses in silicon valley
Replies: 111
Views: 47025

Re: houses in silicon valley

Thanks! :love015: :love015: I am so glad that I asked you guys. At the beginning I thought Cupertino may be a good place. But after looking at the price, size and conditions of the houses anything that I can afford is absolutely miserable. I think I am going to go see if I can find a cheaper but som...
by Lilly
2010-06-09 14:54
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: houses in silicon valley
Replies: 111
Views: 47025

Re: houses in silicon valley

Thanks so much for all your posts. :love007: I was pretty overwhelmed by not just the house price, but all the consideration about having to find a house that's in a good school district that I can afford for my 6 year old. :let_me_die: I'll say the the food and weather are definitely better than mi...
by Lilly
2010-06-08 11:41
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: houses in silicon valley
Replies: 111
Views: 47025

houses in silicon valley

Finally we are moving to silicon valley from the midwest. I wonder if you girls had experienced the same shock in housing price as I just did. Or maybe it was not this bad many years ago???? :worthy: :let_me_die:

How did you come to terms with this? :headscratch:
by Lilly
2009-03-08 18:42
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: [闲聊]翠花排骨
Replies: 73
Views: 101211

再次赞叹一下, 这个菜谱实在是太好啦. 我以前就用店里现成的honey barbecue sauce, 烤出来的味道比翠花的差远了. 这个菜大人小人都爱吃. 而且比红烧排骨要方便的多. Absolutely fool proof. :-D
by Lilly
2008-11-12 16:05
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 田中式造
Replies: 57
Views: 42175

从科学中年的角度刹风景的说,这些 fancy chemicals 皮肤都不能吸收的。抹上去也都是后来洗掉了。还是锻炼加 eating healthy 最管用的。 :oops:
by Lilly
2008-11-12 15:57
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: Bioluminescent Bay
Replies: 2
Views: 4199

Bioluminescent Bay

看起来好像很不错的样子。有去过的可以讲讲值得去吗?反正连Puerto Rico or US Virgin Islands一起玩过来的吧? :fish001:
by Lilly
2008-11-06 15:41
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: interested in handmade stuff?
Replies: 18
Views: 19709

My friend says that the website charges about half of the listed price of the things he put on there for sale. Pretty steep, huh? :shock:
by Lilly
2008-11-06 9:35
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: interested in handmade stuff?
Replies: 18
Views: 19709

interested in handmade stuff?

A friend of mine who's moonlighting as an artist/jewelry maker mentioned this website:

In case you girls are interested. :love015:
by Lilly
2008-10-07 9:01
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 纽约读书节(1)
Replies: 53
Views: 29748

Yeah, Hillary is so much better. She's still my favorite. However, what I am interested in is how Sarah Palin manages to maintain her body shape after five kids, especially since the last one is still a baby. It took me forever and despite constant exercise and everything else my body is still never...
by Lilly
2008-09-30 7:53
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: [影片]强烈推荐:Boogie Man: The Lee Atwater Story
Replies: 12
Views: 14378

Man, this is fascinating. Thank you so much, Jun. :heartpump: I remembered reading an old issue of Newsweek that did a special on Cindy McCain, who recall being disgusted at the rumor that the Bush Camp made in the 2000 primary regarding their adopted daughter from Asia supposedly being John McCain'...
by Lilly
2008-09-29 14:23
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: [影片]强烈推荐:Boogie Man: The Lee Atwater Story
Replies: 12
Views: 14378

Haha, that would be the last thing I would worry about. But seriously, I trust your judgment, Jun. :super:
by Lilly
2008-09-29 14:01
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 全国读书节
Replies: 67
Views: 42787

I don't mind going back either. But with a kid who drinks plenty of milk everyday I don't know what to feed him. I would not trust the milk supply in china anymore. Those of you who have kids, aren't you worried?
by Lilly
2008-09-29 13:58
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: [影片]强烈推荐:Boogie Man: The Lee Atwater Story
Replies: 12
Views: 14378

For those of us who don't have time to watch a movie but are still fascinated, would you please write a review of the film? Many thanks!!!! :love011:
by Lilly
2008-09-29 12:37
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 全国读书节
Replies: 67
Views: 42787

Well go take out some cash and stash them under the mattress at home. And fill up the gas tanks and the fridge and the cabinets. Seriously, that's what I am going to do after work today. :evil:
by Lilly
2008-07-24 15:25
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 比早下班在商店撞到同事更糟糕的事
Replies: 39
Views: 25468

Maybe considering moving to the midwest? Life is a lot more boring here compared to the coasts, but being the parent of a young child, there won't be time for that many non-kid related activities anyways. :f23: The up side is that everything is a lot cheaper and the pace is a lot slower. If the plac...
by Lilly
2008-07-23 14:27
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 一句(啰啰唆唆的)话
Replies: 99
Views: 86374

I beg to differ. To someone who loves to run (like me), its the best thing in the world. :love011:
by Lilly
2008-06-28 17:50
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: [影片][推荐]Wall-E
Replies: 18
Views: 16390

I like it too. The girl robot is so cool and cute too. I would definitely go watch it again.
by Lilly
2008-06-25 10:21
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: This is nuts.
Replies: 23
Views: 22165

Well of course the convicted killer of a child deserves death penalty. But I think that rape is at least as horrendous a crime as killing when a child is the victim. But apparently the liberal judges of the supreme court don't think that way. I am pretty upset at it especially since I am usually on ...
by Lilly
2008-06-25 9:05
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: This is nuts.
Replies: 23
Views: 22165

This is nuts.

" The Supreme Court has struck down a Louisiana law that allows the execution of people convicted of a raping a child." I am siding with the conservative judges this time. This is ridiculous. To me, there is no worse crime than the rape o...
by Lilly
2008-03-30 19:45
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: Our Daily Meds
Replies: 3
Views: 2693

Our Daily Meds

By Melody Peterson. A really good book that's definitely worth the time. It has completely changed my past perception of the pharmaceutical industry and physicians. Very eye opening. I think Jun might especially be interested, too. :super:
by Lilly
2008-03-23 20:25
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 复活节周日
Replies: 9
Views: 9501

I agree with you. Life will never be the same as it was before when there were only two of you. But it seems that you have parents here to help, which I think is really lucky. Daycare brings a whole new set of problems, not to scare you away though, everything is gonna be alright. Enjoy being a mom!...
by Lilly
2008-03-23 20:19
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: Election 08
Replies: 50
Views: 24951

Election 08

最近大家对选举好象不大讨论了. 挺想听听你们的意见的. 其实我是因为Jun的argument才成为忠实的Hillary fan. :oops: :admir001:
by Lilly
2008-03-07 17:24
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: [分享]电影电视里的大吃大喝
Replies: 41
Views: 38432

今天同事过生日到附近的一家墨西哥馆子吃饭. 我本来对开在俄亥俄的墨西哥馆子期望不高, 结果点了个chile verde非常惊喜. sauce又酸又辣很好吃, 里边的猪肉块有kiwi 那么大, 又多,而且煮的软硬适中又弹牙, 并有软烂的筋夹在里边. 对我这种嗜肉的人简直再合适不过了. 本来我午饭时间都workout 用掉了, 以后要从gym 出来之前点了去pick up 做午饭吃. 前一阵去德州吃的墨西哥菜都没有这个好. 不过看上去象是正宗墨西哥人开的, 一上来先一大串spanish把我们搞的很晕, 在坐号称高中学了spanish的几位也瞠目结舌. 不过猪肉真好吃, 真好吃.
by Lilly
2008-02-28 15:39
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 糊涂人说糊涂话
Replies: 107
Views: 52424

Mostly men. however the only three women are with Obama too. One is especially passionate about him. And they all hate Hillary with a passion too, which I totally don't understand. Mostly the women think Hillary is just a cold blooded creature. Well it's not like they are picking a boyfriend or some...
by Lilly
2008-02-28 15:31
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 糊涂人说糊涂话
Replies: 107
Views: 52424

我们在cleveland附近。大部分是white Americans 。仅有的几个外国人也是拥护BO。最痛苦是公司CEO是BO的big fan,所以我想转化他倒戈的企图通通被他否决掉了。苦啊。 :speechless002:
by Lilly
2008-02-28 12:49
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 从小流氓到阿土仔
Replies: 46
Views: 32045


按Helen 以前的话说,就是进入了更黑的黑社会了。 :lol:

Welcome to our league!
by Lilly
2008-02-28 12:47
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 糊涂人说糊涂话
Replies: 107
Views: 52424

哎,痛苦的说, 我们全公司(小startup)只有我一个人支持HRC,其他人统统BO,看样子HRC在ohio岌岌可危。 :speechless001:
by Lilly
2007-10-07 19:08
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 预防自杀
Replies: 37
Views: 37183

Jun, thanks so much for writing all these informative posts. It has helped me a lot. And I love reading your posts, both in chinese and english. Speaking of, a little reminder here that you still have a novel that's half way through. :-D I have a question though. I remember reading it somewhere, pro...
by Lilly
2007-01-17 7:40
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: [原创]The Passenger (cont.)
Replies: 24
Views: 21908

Thank you thank you Jun for the update. Please post more. This story is fascinating. :love011:
by Lilly
2007-01-11 8:25
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 人物
Replies: 12
Views: 15980

我厚脸皮的跳出来说,最近我已经多次被人要求出示ID在饭店点酒或在grocery store买酒的时候。哈哈哈大笑的说,俺老黄瓜刷了绿漆还是很可以骗一骗纯朴的美国人民的吗。 :oops:
by Lilly
2006-11-22 7:49
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: [分享]麻辣情医的BLOG
Replies: 48
Views: 35648

这都算是追求目标啊?那没发胖,有显著胸肌,肱二头肌,六块腹肌的男性呢?嗯,就是新邦德那样的....小姑娘要求这么低,男性的平均水平怎么上的去嘛。 :confused007: 难怪张朝阳这种浑身小肥肉的也敢上脱了衣服上杂志封面。 :nono: 我不怕脸红的出来说,这个显著胸肌,肱二头肌,六块腹肌不仅看上去养眼,用起来也很好。就盼着这股workout+fitness for guys风气在国内也流行一把。 :love011: 可惜这边见到的中国男性要么瘦的一把骨头,要么瘦的一把骨头加个肥肚皮,要就是胖墩墩。I have yet to see one with a good body, or ev...
by Lilly
2006-11-20 8:03
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 二十四节气(春天写完了)
Replies: 29
Views: 28024

I am sorry, for as much a nerd as i am, i have to point out that when it is 2pm eastern time in Febuary, it is 3 am in the morning in beijing. :oops: . I hope you dont mind.
by Lilly
2006-11-06 12:48
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: [口水]斯呆贴谱(Stereotypes)
Replies: 21
Views: 20351

i watched a little bit of the "girls next door" too. They were interviewing girls who wanted to be playboy bunnies. And all you see are hot girls in bikinis roaming around. Everything else aside, i'd kill for their bodies though. And the three girlfriends of Heff went on a radio show talking about s...
by Lilly
2006-07-25 6:45
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 出了车祸
Replies: 39
Views: 30597

OMG! Helen, I am so glad that nobody was hurt. And I completely agree with you on the seatbelt issue. Also, I think minivan is in fact the safest vehicle for hauling kids around. I would always put the child car seat in the middle seat of the second row. So even if there is a crash, there is still s...