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Posted: 2006-09-20 8:55
by tiffany
就在于外人很难明白自己人的挣扎。这个感想是读了几本儿Walter Mosley的小说后的深刻感慨。(真是再次感谢jun的大力推荐和咱这个半读书会的存在)

Mosley的小说,我看的这几本,发生在60,70年代的洛杉矶,电影crash发生的城市。当时,白人可以称无论多大岁数的黑人为:son,boy.... 就因为一方白一方黑。书中白人并不全都是种族主义的猪,而颇有几个各方面讲来是好人的人,比如说小红(little scarlet)这本书中,easy rawlins工作的高中的女校长,她是一个有钱白人,人很好,但是她基本上不懂种族挣扎。在洛杉矶暴乱之后,她巡视她的学校,放声痛哭说:为什么他们要做这个?为什么他们要在自己社区的学校放火?easy拥抱着她给她解释说:因为我们黑人受了这么多年压迫,这么多年以来,一直都被告之这些精致东西美好生活你们只能看不许摸,我们很愤怒,云云;女校长听完他解释,说:我需要仔细想想你刚才说的话。同本书中的侦探suggs也是,他是一个好侦探,受命调查一个黑人女子的谋杀,当时暴乱中,该女子的姨妈大叫一个白人男杀了她的侄女。LAPD为了避免新一轮的暴乱,封锁消息,请easy协助调查。suggs首先跟easy进行接触,第一次见面就伸手给easy去握,easy正在生气,没有握手;后来两个人发展出来一些类似互相尊重的感情,suggs尊重easy,因为easy探案探的不错;easy尊重suggs,因为suggs有工作热情---他因为不能去黑人区亲自探案,坐在警察局看积案,一口气看了若干年未破案件,又找出来好几十受害者---哦,对了,凶手是个系列杀人狂。suggs为警察工作的疏忽十分内疚,但是,他跟easy说话的时候,说:...... this girl。easy说:woman。suggs不解,easy解释说:她是一个woman,就好象你我是man,我不希望被人叫boy,她是一个woman,不是一个girl。------我不得不说,这个细节如果easy不解释的话,我是不会理解的。

好比爵士乐,我听的时候觉得出来他们为了一些事情狂喜悲伤或者愤慨,但是我不知道他们狂喜悲伤的是什么,只听的出来他们的情绪宣泄。象我不太喜欢的大乐团(big band)类,伴奏当时疯狂的流行舞步,我只觉得喧哗热闹,有种受压抑的勃勃的生命力。而作者解释说---当他书中写到一个著名夜总会,黑人开的,大家狂欢今宵的一个洛杉矶最佳去处的时候---没有人象黑人那样懂得如何自由,我们从来都没有过自由,所以懂得如何及时行乐尽情享受自由,跳舞跳的好像没有明天。这些细枝末节的感情,没有经历过的人不会明白。


看mosley的书,非常过瘾,因为就算一个小小配角儿,也都血肉丰满,似乎你知道他/她的全部历史。 而更重要的是,mosley并不拘泥于政治正确,好像阿泰斗加沙,他对人性的描写超越种族。他的书写的好像油画,不急不忙,一点儿背景都不拉下来的仔仔细细描出来。看书的过程好像跟着主角在洛杉矶游荡,黑人区,中产区,白人区,跟着他看行行色色的各类人等,巨富黑人和白人,穷困的黑人和白人,每个人都有自己的私人历史和挣扎,在他笔下,人人至少灵魂平等。
the end

Posted: 2006-09-20 9:18
by Jun

AH! I was going to beg you to write something since you mentioned reading Mosley!

Posted: 2006-09-20 14:33
by Jun
Oh yes. The shades of skin color bring all kinds of agony. Light skin is the "good color." Women with lighter complexion are more desirable. And why are some lighter than others? Because their ancestors were slaves and their owners. The issue is fraught with all kinds of psychological complications that one cannot even begin to understand outside of the community. And women's hair! Oh, yes. You won't believe the length they go through to look "less black." How horrible. Spike Lee has also explored some of the same territories, but with a lot less restraint and patience.

Note that he has the tendency to idealize women. :wink: They often have the "earth mother" quality.
Not too different today.

看mosley的书,非常过瘾,因为就算一个小小配角儿,也都血肉丰满,似乎你知道他/她的全部历史。 而更重要的是,mosley并不拘泥于政治正确,好像阿泰斗加沙,他对人性的描写超越种族。
Oh yes yes yes! Each character has a slightly (or heavily) quirky history that is both fascinating and revealing, and convincing enough for you to believe it is real. And the kicker is that he presents it with a subtlety and humor that can be easily missed. No histronics.

He doesn't do a lot of political commentary, but when he slips in a sentence of reflection occasionally it just punches you in the stomach all the more heavily. And there is so much humanity and gentle empathy for everyone, whites and other nonblacks included.

Posted: 2006-09-20 14:55
by tiffany
他甚至写只露一面的小配角都有特别厚重的感觉,好比那个忧心忡忡跟他说:oh, you will make an artist out of her. 然后跟easy说:oh, you know what I mean。的艺术老师。


Posted: 2006-09-22 14:10
by Jun

Posted: 2006-09-22 14:45
by tiffany

Posted: 2006-09-22 15:15
by camellia
I'm gonna read it. Cause my favorite movie is Fried Green Tomatoes.

Posted: 2006-09-22 16:16
by tiffany

Posted: 2006-09-22 23:16
by camellia

Posted: 2006-09-25 7:15
by 狸狸

Posted: 2006-09-25 8:41
by Knowing
白博后没有那么闲!也只有我,凭着一点稀薄的友情,还在努力追看这种字不够,图来凑的画报专栏博。 :headscratch:

Posted: 2006-09-25 8:45
by tiffany
重点是江湖夜雨十年灯,感怀身世泛酸中 :mrgreen:

Posted: 2006-09-26 1:43
by 笑嘻嘻
为什么点燃一根火柴又灭掉能除臭? :headscratch: 不明白。
小白,根据您老的懿旨,我老特特到书店买了Walter Mosley的小说打算回来拜读。不幸我的家仍然没搬完。左塞右塞塞不进行李去。我的行李都已经在超重的边缘。所以新买的书又放在朋友家了。

Posted: 2006-09-26 10:24
by tiffany
浪费资源 :hum:

Posted: 2006-09-26 17:18
by 密斯张三
笑嘻嘻 wrote:为什么点燃一根火柴又灭掉能除臭? :headscratch: 不明白。

Posted: 2006-09-26 17:43

Posted: 2006-09-26 18:09
by 火星狗

Posted: 2006-09-26 18:40
by Jun
My God I thought it was just to cover up the smell. Never in a hundred years would I have dreamed of such an involved scientific discussion about fart and matches. :worthy:

Posted: 2006-09-26 18:48
by tiffany
nah, I think match and fart may or may not be 2 independent incidents :mrgreen: maybe this other guy just wanna do sth with his hands.. :mrgreen:

Posted: 2006-09-26 19:04
by 密斯张三 ... _fart.html
Based on this test, they could already bust the fact that lighting a match consumes the smelly gases in any way, but they still wanted to see if a match masked the smell of the gases.
i don't think the concentration of gas is high enough to be combustible tho....

Posted: 2006-09-26 19:37
by 森林的火焰
那个男生不是烧着裤子了吧? :mrgreen:

Posted: 2006-09-26 19:45
by 火星狗


PS. 不知道现在有没有同学已经昏过去了,永远不要低估nerd们的求知精神,特别是话题这么naughty的时候。

Posted: 2006-09-27 19:43
by 海阔天空
借着这个帖子问一问:有什么好的audio book推荐么?我为了把每天commute的40x2分钟好好利用起来,正在听freaknomics。大家有什么好的audio book推荐?

Posted: 2006-09-28 7:40
by StarryNight
Jun wrote:其中一个人放了个屁,另一个人点燃一根火柴又灭掉。我要想一想才明白他是这是在"除臭"。
That whole light your fart thing is very commonly used in cartoons. Fart = gas; "natural gas" is flammable; therefore light the fart and get rid of the "gas". I'm afraid Mosley did not invent that old joke. :p

Posted: 2006-10-02 10:45
by tiffany
我确认这个mosley肯定就是阿大说的那个上了talk show收不住嘴的黑人作家!
在看他写的第一本easy rawlins故事,蓝衣恶魔,读中感就是他小故事太多,就从车到酒铺子那么半条街,还要讲开店这俩犹太人的故事。
不过写的真好,充分满足我对各色人等的好奇心。 :mrgreen:

Posted: 2006-10-31 15:29
by tiffany
这家伙写书水准也不平均,小红明显比小黄狗写的好,黑贝壳明显更加感情充沛。 :mrgreen:

Posted: 2006-10-31 15:31
by Jun
tiffany wrote:这家伙写书水准也不平均,小红明显比小黄狗写的好,黑贝壳明显更加感情充沛。 :mrgreen:
Black Shell? Never heard of this one.

I like "Always Outnumbered, Always Outgunned."

It's time for me to write more book reports...

I need to start on George Pelecanos.

Posted: 2006-10-31 15:42
by tiffany
black becky :mrgreen:

Posted: 2006-11-01 0:32
by 密斯张三
海阔天空 wrote:借着这个帖子问一问:有什么好的audio book推荐么?我为了把每天commute的40x2分钟好好利用起来,正在听freaknomics。大家有什么好的audio book推荐?

public domain, so the collections are pretty old, but still.

Posted: 2006-11-03 10:10
by xyz
首先多谢Jun和白金的推荐,前天刚听完了 little scarlet,很不错,Michael Boatman 讲得绘声绘色,阔少可以借来听听。 ... dex=PALLTI

另外想问一下白金, 我在图书馆只找到了 black betty,能不能告诉我多一些信息,谢谢。
black becky
又找到两本 由Michael Boatman 朗读 的Mosley 小说, Cinnamon kiss, Fear of the dark, 请Jun和白金有空时也评一评。 :heartpump: :heartpump:

Posted: 2006-11-03 10:29
by tiffany
这个故事教育我们,白某经常出typo :mrgreen:

Posted: 2006-11-03 10:53
by Jun
I have written about Cinammon Kiss in a previous book report I posted here.

Posted: 2006-11-03 11:51
by xyz
I found it. Thanks again. Jun. Will reserve it this weekend.

Posted: 2006-11-03 14:32
by Jun
Right now I'm reading George Pelecanos' Hard Revolution. It so happens that the book is also set around the time of racial riot in the late 60s -- only the location is DC. A lot of local street names and districts I know. Interesting that for the most part he takes up the POV of a black man, rather than his own Greek ethnicity, even though the elements of his own background are palpable -- the time, the place, the neighborhood. (James Patterson has also written his Alex Cross series from a black man's POV, but I cannot stand his writing.) At first I thought it might have some psychological significance that these white men choose to write from a black man's POV, but then I realize that I also like to use a different ethnic or even different gender from my own in my stories... :speechless002: