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Re: 智能手机时代的福尔摩斯

Posted: 2010-08-09 12:53
Irene Adler的故事被改编太多次了,还有巴斯克维尔的猎犬。And one can't have 56 favourite stories :mrgreen:

Re: 智能手机时代的福尔摩斯

Posted: 2010-08-09 13:03
by Jun
CAVA wrote:Irene Adler的故事被改编太多次了,还有巴斯克维尔的猎犬。And one can't have 56 favourite stories :mrgreen:
Hmpf. Sorry about my dirty mind... :lol:

The Hound of the Baskervilles would hard to adapt to the modern urban setting. Just the other day I was thinking about how to update this story and found it quite impossible. The only idea I came up with was to turn it into "giant rats in NYC subways" or some other urban legend.

Re: 智能手机时代的福尔摩斯

Posted: 2010-08-09 13:18
MoffGat have thought about Hound of Baskervilles and Speckled Band already (see interview)! But no Irene Adler :mrgreen:

Re: 智能手机时代的福尔摩斯

Posted: 2010-08-09 13:40
by Jun
Interesting. What Moffat said is exactly what I think and how I perceive this series should be. A very faithful adaption of the canon. Really a lot more faithful than other versions set in Victorian London but do not actually "get" the spirit of the original stories.

MoffGat have obviously thought about the Hound and the Speckled Band. I don't think they've come up with any suitable ideas though. I hope they wait until they do, instead of having some knucklehead do a cheap and dull substitute a la "The Dancing Men" that waste the best materials in the books.

How would I tackle a story like the Hound or the Speckled Band? I don't know, but I think we need less of a monster or a snake, but more of the eerieness, the supernatural appearance of the cases.

Re: 智能手机时代的福尔摩斯

Posted: 2010-08-09 13:49
Deadly virus as substitute for Speckled Band? Uncontrollable robot for Hound? Cloned man gone terribly wrong? Hmm too Hollywood mainstream la, surely MoffGat are far better than that.

Re: 智能手机时代的福尔摩斯

Posted: 2010-08-09 14:12
by Jun
:super: Actually these are not such bad ideas. IMO the more difficult part is to come up with a case that is closer to the horror genre than to mystery (eg, being killed by fright). Something that is truly chilling but has a realistic explanation.

Actually The Avengers (original TV series) did a pretty good job with stories in the same vein. The X-Files have attempted the same with varying degrees of success. David Pirie's "Murder Rooms" TV series and follow-up novels are probably the closest to imitating Doyle's own bizarre and supernatural tone in the stories. :gromit_thought:

As Ebert says, "It's not what it's about but how it's about it." The Hound and Speckled Band are both intensely memorable stories thanks to his vivid and haunting prose creating a sense of dread and terror. (I just re-read "The Cardboard Box" story, which is also terrifying in just one single element.)

Re: 智能手机时代的福尔摩斯

Posted: 2010-08-09 18:23
by Avanti
Oh, youtube has got "the great game" already. So exited, yet I will save it to reward myself tomorrow.

----------end fan girl mode-----------------------------------------------------
----------enter serious reader deduction mode ---------------------------

The original Sherlock Holmes was implied to be a JEW, a result of my deductions. The hooked nose, dark unruly hair, dark sharp eyes, even the violin talent fits. " Anyone who has an interest in the great violinists of the 20th century could hardly overlook that almost all of them were and are Jewish." ( Conan had Sherlock himself stated that both his talent and his brother's intelligence came from a Grandmother, who is sister of a French painter. So the author gave hints: 1) Genetic lineage of Sherlock's talent originated not in UK, but came from continental Europe; ) Such genetic lineage was passed to Sherlock (and Mycroft) by a woman. We all know that Judaism is based on maternal lineage, right?

I quite understant why Conan only "Implied" his hero to be jew, rather than outright claiming so. At that time, JEW was a minority, both by race and religion, and held a "immigrate" status in the eyes of "real" white people. Not unlike a status between blacks and Asians. Spock in star trak series was profiled based on Jews and Asians. With earthly nerd traits converted to vague alien stangness, Spock rise above all other obvious Asian characters, are just working ants in the serie. Yet an intelligent alien still hit the glass ceiling of forever sidekick. The captain has to be a red-looded american guy. What 20th century people are not ready, we canot ask 19th century audience to get used to.
Sherlock Holmes was the first Jewish hero in literature, and remained so for a long time. But claiming SH to be jew might cause a controversy and take him out of mainstream.

The funny thing is that I heard actor Benedict Cumberbatch has brown eyes, yet he was ordered to ware contact to play a blue-eyed handsome Sherlock in the new BBC series. Some people in UK must still think dark eyes as a not-so-handsome trait that need correction. hunh? :monkey:

Re: 智能手机时代的福尔摩斯

Posted: 2010-08-09 19:22
by Jun
关于福尔摩斯是犹太人的说法我听说过,考据派还有提出他是法国人甚至爱尔兰人的说法。不过 Mycroft 是英国政府里的重要人物这一桥段,似乎给“福尔摩斯是外国人/少数族裔/低等阶层出身”这个说法提出一定反面证据。

我的纯个人看法是,既然作者自己都承认了原型是 Joseph Bell,我就干脆把他当成贝尔教授了。


Jim looks sooooooo IT. XD. :chicken001:

I wonder why Gatiss chose the device of bombs --- there is no bomb-related plot in the canon, or hostage-related. Might just be a London thing. Or a modern thing. Or could it be a nod to something else? (The movie "Speed", for one.)

I don't know. I almost prefer the Gatiss episode to the Moffat episode. I'd rather they spend more time on the deductions and procedures than on cute bantering and domestic comedy.


MoffGat really didn't expect to get the money for the second season, did they? Episode 3 is obviously a frantic effort to cram as many cases as Gatiss can into one episode --- all those Holmes stories he must have written over the years... :mrgreen:

Oh well, off to bed. Will have to finish the episode tomorrow evening.


Actually I had thought of using biological agents or poison to substitute for snake bites -- which could leave an invisible wound. So all the references to botulism and tetnus might be his version of the Speckled Band perhaps? I like how medical the cases are, but am a little disappointed that John the physician had no role in them.

Re: 智能手机时代的福尔摩斯

Posted: 2010-08-10 3:03
I wonder why Gatiss chose the device of bombs --- there is no bomb-related plot in the canon, or hostage-related. Might just be a London thing. Or a modern thing. Or could it be a nod to something else? (The movie "Speed", for one.)
Almost all recent terrorist attacks are bomb related. The bombings in London five years ago are still in people's memories.

Re: 智能手机时代的福尔摩斯

Posted: 2010-08-10 5:53
by Jun
伦敦是个非常 bomb-conscious 的城市,从 Doyle 医生的时代就有无政府主义者的恐怖活动用到炸弹,直到后来的爱尔兰共和军和伊斯兰原旨主义等各色恐怖主义均爱用炸弹,一直就没断过。十二年前我第一次去伦敦,在一家咖啡馆里居然把手提包忘在椅子上就走出来了,没出半条街即发现回去拿,早已被店员收起来了,差点叫警察,被告知伦敦市民对这个特别警惕。

正因为如此我更觉得有点奇怪,第一是街上有个背了炸弹的人会无人发现叫警察---任何人背了炸弹又惊又累,两个钟头之内定会瘫倒在地;第二,设计这个桥段给 Moriarty 教授留下明显的恐怖份子的印记,而非黑社会教父,难怪 purists 会产生一定的思想抵触。也许 Gatiss 要的就是这种 ripped from the headlines 的效果,也许他太需要这个 plot device 而顾不了那么多了。

晚上看完再整体的评论吧。看一半已经觉得很 high。 :love007: 希望拿到钱之后可以慢慢地细细地写,不必这么猴急了。

Re: 智能手机时代的福尔摩斯

Posted: 2010-08-10 6:19
对呀,而且在人来人往的Piccadilly Circus。

今天晨间的访谈节目里,Stephen Moffat和太太(Sherlock制作人Sue Vertue)已经确认要拍续集了。原来Coupling是根据他们俩的罗曼史写的! :hutch:

Re: 智能手机时代的福尔摩斯

Posted: 2010-08-10 18:39
by Jun





I insist! 我觉得我已经够了解 Gatiss 的想法了,所以我绝对而彻底地坚持认为这个 bomb plot 是引用 "Speed" 的---

Because Sherlock LOVES John!

Obvious! 这太 obvious 了!记得 Speed 里面最后一场炸弹戏么?Dennis Hopper, Sandra Bullock, Keanu Reeves 对应 Moriarty, Watson, Holmes,完全一一对应,一点不差。只是在这里 Gatiss 百尺竿头更上一步,青出于蓝而胜于蓝。前面还一直问一直问 “他有没有心呀?他是不是冷血动物呀?” 哼,不就是为了结尾的感情戏么?不仅逼 Sherlock 承认他有颗心,还证明给我们看这颗心已经给了谁,而且让John这个大直男主动为亲爱的Sherlock献身。我一边看一遍拼命擦汗,Gatiss 兄呀,您也太腐了太腐了太腐了!!!!



It is interesting that each of the 3 episodes has an ENTIRELY DIFFERENT writing style. Very, very distinctive structure and tone from each other. The good part about this approach is that each writer could put his own stamp on the work; the bad part is the unevenness. (Thompson's episode 2 looks all the crappier in comparison with MoffGat's.) Moffat quotes the original dialogs extensively, while Gatiss likes to mix his source materials (eg, the Golum thing seems very James Bond, and "Is that a xxx or are you just happy to see me?")

Paul McGuigan (director of episodes 1&3) gets my biggest thumbs up. Beautiful direction, innovative camera work, impeccable pacing and editing --- everything is no less than perfection.

I slightly prefer Gatiss' episode 3 to Moffat's episode 1, because this is what Holmes is all about: the investigations, the cases, the science of deduction. I can sit there and listen to Sherlock and John "have a domestic" all day long, but solving cases is really the fundamental Sherlock Holmes.

The key to my heart is Gatiss' decision to insert one case that is a pure, faithful adaptation to the canon (The Bruce-Partington Plans) into four of his own stories. For that alone I am so grateful that I would forgive anything else I do not quite agree with.

Re: 智能手机时代的福尔摩斯

Posted: 2010-08-10 20:34
by Elysees

Re: 智能手机时代的福尔摩斯

Posted: 2010-08-10 20:50
by lainey

Gatiss的腐男本质在第一集就暴露无遗了,听听他演的Mycroft在首次召见花生(未来弟媳?)的时候赤果果的说辞吧: "And since yesterday, you've moved in with him and now you're solving crimes with him. Might we expect a happy announcement by the end of the week?" P.S. Jun为什么不觉得Maffat腐呢?第一话是他主写的吧?SH在实验室初见花生那回,走前不仅报上姓名地址还附赠一个勾人的媚眼,多么萌多么腐!

P.S. BC的非官方粉丝网站BC-Online做得真不错,非常informative,图片更多到眼花,其中颇不乏诱人犯hc的,随手先贴两张:



Re: 智能手机时代的福尔摩斯

Posted: 2010-08-10 21:12
by vivi

Re: 智能手机时代的福尔摩斯

Posted: 2010-08-11 1:22
我真心希望这个贴子不要象豆瓣上一样被一片“腐”字覆盖 :mrgreen: :worthy:

Gatiss不是腐男,他是gay男 :mrgreen: 他想要证明的是,窃以为,Sherlock同学有heart,这是和Jim同学彻底相反的地方,虽然两人在其它方面有许多惊人的相似之处。Sherlock对John是爱人之爱也好,兄弟之爱也好,that's all fine :mrgreen: :mrgreen: and not really the main point。以下的见解我颇为赞同:
Personally I think the running gag is precisely to cut off the slash angle that is going to pop up immediately on this on the internet. They are using the old "We're not gay, not that there's anything wrong with that" line of dialog multiple times to make it clear that there is no intended hoyay (homo-eroticism - yay) subplot. I imagine the gag will continue at least once a series to reset the position and then they will move on.
Hoyay is not in the books (which were written in a different era but still there is nothing implied in the slightest) and yet the bond is central to the relationship. Holmes as the highly functioning sociopath would do best to avoid romantic entanglements and Watson clearrly would like a nice girl to date and ultimately settle down with. So, when the girl takes a back seat to the bond or the adventure, I can see them reasserting that this is a bromance, not a romance.

最后的cliffhanger如此解决就好了:Jim出去与Lestrade的人碰个正着,所以回进来故弄玄虚。很应该让Sherlock也欠警方一个人情,而且Jim之不舍得杀掉Sherlock,与Sherlock的catch you later是一回事。然后嘛,当然Jim逃掉了。
I slightly prefer Gatiss' episode 3 to Moffat's episode 1, because this is what Holmes is all about: the investigations, the cases, the science of deduction. I can sit there and listen to Sherlock and John "have a domestic" all day long, but solving cases is really the fundamental Sherlock Holmes.
Nod, nod. And lots of forensics tests in the lab.

明年的续集应该让Moffat和Gattis写,Paul McGuigan导演,Mrs Hudson和Lestrade一定要有,Sally Donovan让位给Anderson。Do we actually need Molly? Not sure.

Re: 智能手机时代的福尔摩斯

Posted: 2010-08-11 4:47
by Jun
CAVA 君我们只好 agree to disagree 了。

我看这个剧绝不是为了来找腐的。第一集 Moffat 我认为他只是拿这个角度来调侃一下人物和心怀“腐”意的观众而已,并不腐,并不BL。


至于 Jim,我觉得他根本就不是 Moriarty。第二季一上来就会揭发这一点。至于逃脱么,那个炸弹多半是假的,然后不是 Lestrade 就是 Mycroft 会派人冲进来...

Sherlocking 那个 forum 里面的大部分观众,我个人看法,有点太纠缠细节了,有时候见木不见林。

小E我是从 veryCD 上下载的。

Re: 智能手机时代的福尔摩斯

Posted: 2010-08-11 4:59
Jun wrote:CAVA 君我们只好 agree to disagree 了。
Let's do that :mrgreen:

I don't mind a bit of 腐,but the overwhelming 腐-screaming on Douban thoroughly annoys me. They seem to forget that there are characters, stories and deductions going on in the whole thing - which certainly is not the case here.

小E看下youtube? 前面Avanti不是说第三集有了?还有土豆,就是画质可能不太好。

Re: 智能手机时代的福尔摩斯

Posted: 2010-08-11 5:06
by Jun
啊啊,我刚要上来道歉。我对这方面的 terminology 不是很熟所以肯定用错了词。腐肯定不恰当,而是“真爱”,或者 something as close to love as there is. Watson 肯定是普通直男对朋友的忠诚和敬爱,不过 Holmes 的感情就很,en, 象 "Speed" 里面那种。当然我才不要看一个浪漫版Sherlock,当然这个主要是办案子,不过我觉着这个 subtext 他急着要先放在那里,好像炉台上的头骨,以后就不谈也罢。

还有, Jim 一说 "I'll burn you." 我心里咚地一声狂跳,哇原来这就是 Gatiss 对 Reichenbach 之后的消失三年的解释!不告诉 Watson 是为了保证他的安全。当然我并不认为这个是 Dr. Doyle 的本意,也不是我对 canon 的解释,但是这个解释也很言之成理就是了。

Re: 智能手机时代的福尔摩斯

Posted: 2010-08-11 5:11
something as close to love as there is
I can agree on that! Not as if he will do anything about it, though.

Gatiss一定很爱福尔摩斯和华生,说不定也爱BC(nothing wrong with that)。

Re: 智能手机时代的福尔摩斯

Posted: 2010-08-11 5:17

以后Moriarty的出现不应该很频繁,就象Irene Adler万一出现,最好只是某一集的一个部分,而不是全部。

Re: 智能手机时代的福尔摩斯

Posted: 2010-08-11 7:19
by Jun
CAVA wrote:另外,这个系列才刚开始,Sherlock和John认识没多久,就让Sherlock消失,好象有点premature耶。
Yeah, sorry, I wasn't clear on that. (I was rushing out the door to catch the metro.) Here's what I meant. Ever since I first read "Empty House," I've always thought Holmes a bit cold there. He went off and disappeared for 3 years, without a word to his best friend, all the while watching Watson grieving with the publication of the final case. He kept in touch with Mycroft but not Watson. Then all of a sudden sprang on him and scaring the sh** out of his old pal. That's childish and silly and inconsiderate and deserves a spanking. Well, Dr. Doyle likes to abuse poor Watson a bit. That would be my guess. Nevertheless this is the only place in the whole canon that bothers me and makes me question whether Holmes has a heart. Otherwise, Holmes is a pretty nice guy IMO. I don't have a huge expectation for niceties.

OTOH, I think Gatiss has his own interpretation of the 3-year vanishing and Holmes' decision to keep Watson in the dark and let him suffer the grief. And it seems to fit as well as any other explanation (eg, ACD was careless). So he slips in this explanation into the scenes through Moriarty's threat. In the scheme of the TV series, it may not be carried out at all. Maybe he will take this "have to keep John in the dark for his own safety" idea somewhere, maybe he won't. Maybe nothing. But he threw it in when he had the chance to write an episode: "Here is my take on 'Empty House', folks."

Obviously and definitely, the show must be faithful to the canon and cannot melt into a puddle of romantic corn syrup. So I'm not worried.

I am just shocked and awed that at least someone (Mr. Gatiss) shares my view of the Holmes--Watson relationship in the canon (which I declared before this episode so I can prove I was not influenced by him): Watson loves Mary Morstan because he is totally straight, and he loves and admires Holmes as a friend. That is never in question. However, in his own way, Holmes loves Watson, despite all the pranks he pulls and the deception/absence in "Empty House."

As I said above, my favorite part of the episode is not all the heart and soul business, but rather the faithful adaptation of the original BRUC story amidst all the sparkling new and modern cases. For that alone I'd kiss the ground he (Gatiss) treads. Thank you, thank you, thank you. :worthy:

Re: 智能手机时代的福尔摩斯

Posted: 2010-08-11 10:55
by wuliaotou

Re: 智能手机时代的福尔摩斯

Posted: 2010-08-11 11:17
by Elysees


Re: 智能手机时代的福尔摩斯

Posted: 2010-08-11 11:50
在pre-order的DVD到达之前,我很OCD地开始顺序看英文版的Sherlock Holmes了。A Study in Scarlet刚开始,就有这么一句
He would certainly have been hung had this test been in existence
这个和从前学的吊死应该是hanged,还有第三集开头Sherlock在Minsk给人上的语法课正好相反。A Study in Scarlet有很多好玩的句子,可见语言在一百多年间的变化有多大。

Re: 智能手机时代的福尔摩斯

Posted: 2010-08-11 12:11
by 笑嘻嘻
到底什么叫做腐? :dizzy:

Re: 智能手机时代的福尔摩斯

Posted: 2010-08-11 12:13
by tiffany

Re: 智能手机时代的福尔摩斯

Posted: 2010-08-11 12:33
by Jun
I am guessing that 腐 or 同人 refers to sexual attraction, perhaps mutual, between two characters of the same sex.

Obviously that is not what I am saying. I'm talking about a tender and platonic love. :laughting015: Still, I think Gatiss goes farther than I would.

Re: 智能手机时代的福尔摩斯

Posted: 2010-08-11 12:39
I'd be happy to limit my understanding on the subject of 腐 or 同人 to this level and no further :mrgreen: And would not object to a separate new thread being started on this topic, in paralell to the Sherlock discussions (which certainly does not exclude tender and platonic love :-D )
Still, I think Gatiss goes farther than I would.
Indeed, considering John's willingness to sacrifice his life for the other, only 3 months into their friendship. It would be more plausible if they had known each other for 14 years, as in the original "The Adventure of the Final Problem ".

Re: 智能手机时代的福尔摩斯

Posted: 2010-08-11 13:33
by Jun
CAVA wrote:It would be more plausible if they had known each other for 14 years, as in the original "The Adventure of the Final Problem ".
True, but one has to remember that, when the episode was written, he assumed that they would not get the money to do another season. Had to shovel everything he wanted into this one episode because he may never get another chance to do any more.

实际上 CAVA 君的反应我很能理解,这一集有很多有意思的地方,不过也不能怪某些影迷的反应,Gatiss 的确搞得非常,嗯,深情。我认为那是因为他急着把自己多年积蓄的一切重要想法都要塞进去,生怕过了这个村就没了这个店,所以下手比较重。豆瓣我不去,所以就比较,嗯,在这里乱讲。

For people who are curious, I strongly recommend watching the movie "Speed" and compare the hostage situation there with this. The similarities are undeniable (including the hostage himself/herself making a joke after being rescued). A neat little puzzle. Plus the movie is really great. I have seen it at least half a dozen times. If it comes on TV again I'd watch it again. This plot device is very effective --- "If you slow down, the bomb will go off. If a passenger tries to get off the bus, the bomb will go off. If you try to get on the bus, the bomb will go off." I'm surprised writers don't use it more often.

I seriously, completely believe that Jim is not Professor Moriarty. I believe a good writer would recognize the advantage of having a faceless criminal mastermind, and both Moffat and Gatiss are too smart and too good to ignore that.

Re: 智能手机时代的福尔摩斯

Posted: 2010-08-11 14:26
by vivi
我连同人是啥还没搞清楚呢。小E是想说Jonathan Meyers吗?

我小时候看福尔摩斯,看到花生娶妻搬走满脑子想的就是‘how could you?!“。一点也没关心花生的需要 :D

Re: 智能手机时代的福尔摩斯

Posted: 2010-08-11 15:00
没错没错,Sherlock播出之前,我总模糊地觉得这两个人就是Match Point的那人。

Re: 智能手机时代的福尔摩斯

Posted: 2010-08-11 17:21
by Jun
我倒看不出。Jonathan Rees Meyers 的脸很特别,很早就看见过而且有印象,他从一开头就被cast 演很多反角或亦正亦邪的角色,因为他的嘴角天然向下撇,给人一种 ... 不太友好或者愤世嫉俗的印象。

我想说一说 The Great Game 里面的非糖浆内容和特点。当然,第一第三集跟第二集差别极大,不过我觉得 Moffat 和 Gatiss 的剧本之间的差别也很大。Moffat 比较倾向于写幽默机智的对话和 one-liners,案情并不复杂,A Study in Pink 这个puzzle 主要是跟观众里的原著书迷们逗着玩的,看看谁能挑出最多的原文对白直接引用和典故/对照。他本来就擅长写情景喜剧(Coupling 比 Friends 好看几十倍),所以并不奇怪。

而 Gatiss 的剧本相对走正统的侦查追踪的悬疑片路线,不断掉包袱,不断制造悬念与起伏,直到最后的冲突达到高潮。没有太多明显地verbatim引用原著中的对话。此集中提到很多原著中的典故(如波希米亚,五个桔核),但是用得很低调,跟第一集里处处引经据典的show-off 感觉很不同。最后非常忠实地采用了原著布鲁斯-帕庭顿案件---考虑到其他原著成分都是被断断续续改头换面地引用的,这一段如此老实倒让人难以置信了,所以才会让我感激涕零。

改编/现代化“贝克街小分队”的部分非常成功,本来我还担心他们会搞出什么 anachronistic 的桥段,但是这样既subtle 又合理的处理让人信服。几个案件中比较弱的一个是psychic之死。我觉得从医学角度来看,很难说 autopsy 居然查不出真实死因来,尤其是本来就是以破伤风定案的,反正就这么囫囵过去了。

两集的气氛和风格也不同,虽然导演是同一个人。第一集基本上全是夜景,而第三集大多数是日场戏。第一集气氛比较明朗安全,而第二集比较黑暗诡异,特别是两人跟巨人杀手在宇宙馆里格斗那段,灯光一明一灭加配上轰隆隆的纪录片画外音,再加上Golem 巨人的影子,很狰狞,有“外星”气息,看的时候第一感觉是 James Bond 早期电影里的调调---Gatiss 写过间谍类幻想小说(Lucifer Box 系列,我没读过),所以顺手这么用上了也很自然。

看第一集的时候,只觉得夜景拍得很漂亮,但是到了第三集的时候就发现,导演和摄影(猜想Paul McGuigan 是主脑)喜欢用玻璃和镜子里反射出来的影像,跟实际的人物shots重叠起来,显得虚虚实实,很复杂很炫。例如他拍的出租车车窗外镜头,反射出街景和楼房,跟 Watson 的脸重叠起来,很妙。

Re: 智能手机时代的福尔摩斯

Posted: 2010-08-12 0:55
by atiti
Jun wrote:没有太多明显地verbatim引用原著中的对话。

Re: 智能手机时代的福尔摩斯

Posted: 2010-08-12 1:31

贝克街小分队的确处理得很好,现在的小孩子不上学可是违法的 :mrgreen:

第三集的失踪案,应该是从前几年轰动一时的canoe man John Darwin的故事里汲取的灵感。这件个案还真是比小说还小说。

这集里我最喜欢的片段之一,是Sherlock同学假装失踪者好友。那眼泪说来就来 :f20:

Re: 智能手机时代的福尔摩斯

Posted: 2010-08-12 8:45
by Elysees

我觉得不像Jonathan Meyer,福尔摩斯这个演员要柔和得多,Jonathan Meyer看上去线条硬而且怪,我不觉得有谁会像他。我刚开始想了一个晚上,觉得可能是像Ethan Hawk,但是去看了看照片,又觉得不像,我这两天没事儿就对着这张照片想,愁死我了。

Re: 智能手机时代的福尔摩斯

Posted: 2010-08-13 8:26
by lainey
Elysees wrote: 我觉得不像Jonathan Meyer,福尔摩斯这个演员要柔和得多,Jonathan Meyer看上去线条硬而且怪,我不觉得有谁会像他。我刚开始想了一个晚上,觉得可能是像Ethan Hawk,但是去看了看照片,又觉得不像,我这两天没事儿就对着这张照片想,愁死我了。
在第一集的某一瞬间,我曾觉得BC有些神似Richard Chamberlain(演电视版荆棘鸟的那个张伯伦)。看小E这么一提,我特地去搜了张伯伦的照片来比对,翻了几张就觉得不像了。唉,我现在也纠结了...

Re: 智能手机时代的福尔摩斯

Posted: 2010-08-13 21:37
by Jun
CAVA wrote: 第三集的失踪案,应该是从前几年轰动一时的canoe man John Darwin的故事里汲取的灵感。这件个案还真是比小说还小说。
很高兴看到 Gatiss 也采用 Ripped from the Headlines 的手法把时事跟故事结合起来(还有政府丢文件的案例),这也是我喜欢第三集超过第一集的原因之一,比较接近纯 mystery/thriller 的套路。实际上第三集里引用原著的典故不比第一集少,只是引用得很有机很 subtle,尽量不打断故事本身的流动节奏和 focus。虽然此剧紧跟原著故事,但是不可否认也受到很多现代侦探类文艺风格的重要影响,而决不是凭空孤立存在的。例如机智幽默快速的对话就有 Chandler/Hammet 硬汉侦探小说派的痕迹。

今晚终于有时间把第三集看了第二遍,觉得情节基本上都言之成理,几乎没有明显的漏洞或不合逻辑的地方,可见第一印象一般是准确的。一两个十分微小的疑问:一个是前面讲过破伤风与 botox overdose 不一定可以混淆。另一个不太周到的地方是,这年头偷到了电子文件何需拿在手里传来传去,FTP 一下就换手了。

一个无关紧要的细节,Holmes & Watson去找Golem的时候从arch的缝隙中仰望星空,这不太可能吧?伦敦的 light pollution 不会比美国大城市少,夜里能看见星星么?还那么一大把星星。

既然 Holmes 已经在公开网站上讲了在游泳池碰头,那么大家都知道了吧?我总觉得跑进来的会是 Mycroft 的人,实际上画面转黑之前我还下意识地等 Mycroft 出现(当然他那么懒,决不会自己冲进任何地方的 --- 在原著BRUC一案里,连爬个栏杆都绝对不肯,一定要等别人B&E之后替他开前门才肯进屋)。

Holmes 给 psychic 的弟弟拍照那段有个细节我没看明白意图,那个中年弯肥男跟他握手,捏把拉扯了半天后两人神色古怪地放手了,不知暗示个啥。


原著系列一直让我屡看不厌的一大原因在于情节既诡异但又有强烈的真实感,象是从警察档案里抄来的,决不象作者凭空想象出来的。把处理不掉的尸体放在窗口外面的火车顶,而在 junction 密集的地方因为晃动剧烈以及车顶弧线而滑下来掉在铁轨上,这太吻合现实状况了,但如果不是真有案例,真靠胡思乱想而能编出来么?哪能编出这么多看起来非常 practical 非常可行的故事呢?连几个非常匪夷所思的案件都有事实基础,例如魔鬼脚跟,有致幻效果的植物绝对在现实中存在,肯定是作者读到过病例和文献之后才编出来的故事。这种强烈的真实感才是这套小说吸引无数追随者的根源,至少是吸引我的根源。

Re: 智能手机时代的福尔摩斯

Posted: 2010-08-16 0:12
by 笑嘻嘻
哇哇哇,真好看!太好看了!虽然你们前面都说了非常忠实原著精神,又非常好看。但我没想到能够这么忠实于原著又极具现代潮流,而这两种看似全不搭界的元素搅在一起能这么好看!而且紧张而不乏幽默,花生为何追随福尔摩斯入情入理,扔掉手杖,左手不再抖得细节太可爱了!太吸引人了。难道从现在起我要开始追 doctor who了吗?

Re: 智能手机时代的福尔摩斯

Posted: 2010-08-16 0:34

也想追Doctor Who来着,可是太多集了,不知道从何处看起 :headscratch:

Re: 智能手机时代的福尔摩斯

Posted: 2010-08-16 10:14
查到了,Royal Army Medical Corps

先搜索了华生履历表上的关键词,University of London,St Bartholomew's Hospital,Northumberland Fusilier。都不是。再搜army, medical, crest,就有啦。自拍一下肩膀。


In Arduis Fidelis = Faithful in Adversity

Re: 智能手机时代的福尔摩斯

Posted: 2010-08-16 10:38
by Knowing

Re: 智能手机时代的福尔摩斯

Posted: 2010-08-16 11:22
谁让你出门一玩就是一星期 :mrgreen: 其实也没透多少啦,不影响观赏。而且Moriarty是谁你一早就知道了。


Re: 智能手机时代的福尔摩斯

Posted: 2010-08-16 11:46
by Jun
CAVA wrote:查到了,Royal Army Medical Corps
先搜索了华生履历表上的关键词,University of London,St Bartholomew's Hospital,Northumberland Fusilier。都不是。再搜army, medical, crest,就有啦。自拍一下肩膀。
:worthy: :worthy:

哼,小K 还好意思抱怨,逍遥游苏格兰,别人嫉妒还来不及呢。 :cool023:


Re: 智能手机时代的福尔摩斯

Posted: 2010-08-16 12:46
by 笑嘻嘻
:super: :super: :super:
那啥,我很小白地问一句。花生是在原著中就在Royal Army Medical Corps 服役的吧?不是新情节吧?真是细节处,处处板上钉钉地忠实。

Re: 智能手机时代的福尔摩斯

Posted: 2010-08-16 15:10
by 笑嘻嘻

Re: 智能手机时代的福尔摩斯

Posted: 2010-08-16 16:23
by Knowing
惭愧的说我还是最喜欢看Moffat 写的第一集,不伤脾胃轻松愉快,第三集的确不少007的影响,看的很累很沉重。。
郁闷的说,jim 真的是大坏人?我觉得这又太直接了。

苏格兰很美,湖区也美,我颇满意。不过高地不开车没法玩,开车玩又够累的。租车公司还给了我一特大特粗壮的英国家庭车,郁闷死了,每次停车倒车都象受刑,心里默默呼唤上次zipcar 给的玲珑省油60多mph时髦俏皮的小混合。 :( :( :(

Re: 智能手机时代的福尔摩斯

Posted: 2010-08-20 12:11
by putaopi
终于把三集都看完了,满意地长长出了一口气。PBS从十月二十四号开始放,到时候我还要看一遍。另外,下星期就要放<Inspector Lewis>了,我幸福地期待着。 :mrgreen:

Re: 智能手机时代的福尔摩斯

Posted: 2010-08-20 13:17


Re: 智能手机时代的福尔摩斯

Posted: 2010-08-21 0:46
by putaopi
Sherlock听到第四起连续自杀案时,兴奋地跳起来说It's Christmas! 令我忍俊不禁:简直说出了观众的心声,一般的侦探剧里了不起有两具尸体,这里一下子就有四具!哈哈,爱死他了。关于他和花生之间,我是站在CAVA这一边的,感情深厚,纠葛全无,无论如何跟romance不搭界。

我看了PBS上<Inspector Lewis>的剧照,能想象CAVA的失望。这个剧集很吸引我的特点之一就是细节精美,教授们都风度翩翩,学生们都青春美貌。新的剧照人物美貌程度低了不少,难道是没钱了?还会有第五季吗?