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[zz] 代词与冠词的秘密

Posted: 2011-08-16 19:45
by Jun ... guage-code

The Secret Language Code
Psychologist James Pennebaker​ reveals the hidden meaning of pronouns

by Gareth Cook | August 16, 2011
One of the most interesting results was part of a study my students and I conducted dealing with status in email correspondence. Basically, we discovered that in any interaction, the person with the higher status uses I-words less (yes, less) than people who are low in status. The effects were quite robust and, naturally, I wanted to test this on myself. I always assumed that I was a warm, egalitarian kind of guy who treated people pretty much the same.

I was the same as everyone else. When undergraduates wrote me, their emails were littered with I, me, and my. My response, although quite friendly, was remarkably detached -- hardly an I-word graced the page. And then I analyzed my emails to the dean of my college. My emails looked like an I-word salad; his emails back to me were practically I-word free.

Re: [zz] 代词与冠词的秘密

Posted: 2011-08-17 7:50

我(哈哈)习惯用“we”代替“I”,好象很民主的样子,其实就是“我”的一种偷梁换柱罢了。用It appears that ... 代替I think也比较经常。

Re: [zz] 代词与冠词的秘密

Posted: 2011-08-17 8:12
by Jun
COOK: What differences have you found between men and women?

PENNEBAKER: Almost everything you think you know is probably wrong. Take this little test. Who uses the following words more, women or men?

> 1st person singular (I, me, my)
> 1st person plural (we, us our)
> articles (a, an, the)
> emotion words (e.g., happy, sad, love, hate)
> cognitive words (e.g., because, reason, think, believe)
> social words (e.g., he, she, friend, cousin)

Most people assume that men use I-words and cognitive words more than women and that women use we-words, emotions, and social words more than men. Bad news. You were right if you guessed that women use social words more. However, women use I-words and cognitive words at far higher rates than men. There are no reliable differences between men and women for use of we-words or emotion words (OK, those were trick questions). And men use articles more than women, when you might guess there’d be no difference.

These differences hold up across written and spoken language and most other languages that we have studied. You can’t help but marvel at the fact that we are all bombarded by words from women and men every day of our lives and most of us have never “heard” these sex differences in language. Part of the problem is that our brains aren’t wired to listen to pronouns, articles, prepositions, and other “junk” words. When we listen to another person, we typically focus on what they are saying rather than how they are saying it.

Men and women use language differently because they negotiate their worlds differently. Across dozens and dozens of studies, women tend to talk more about other human beings. Men, on the other hand, are more interested in concrete objects and things. To talk about human relationships requires social and cognitive words. To talk about concrete objects, you need concrete nouns which typically demand the use of articles.

No matter what your sex, if you have to explain that Sally is leaving her husband because of her new lover, you have to make references to all the actors and you have to do some fairly complex cognitive analyses. If you have to explain why your carburetor in your car is broken, your causal analysis will likely be relatively pallid and will involve referring to concrete nouns.

Re: [zz] 代词与冠词的秘密

Posted: 2011-08-17 8:26
by Jun
高等教育过分强调堆砌名词,选择出来的"精英"偏向于只知其然而不知所以然高分低能的木头脑子,难怪高等教育出来的人里有那么多啰里八唆讲半天大话却根本逻辑不通make no sense的。


Re: [zz] 代词与冠词的秘密

Posted: 2011-08-17 9:13
by 幻儿

贴了几次我的blog上的段落,每次都说我是male. :laughting015:

Re: [zz] 代词与冠词的秘密

Posted: 2011-08-17 9:15
by tiffany
这个精灵很不靠谱,我贴了段儿自称prego的blog上去,他还觉得我是男的。 :mrgreen:

Re: [zz] 代词与冠词的秘密

Posted: 2011-08-17 9:24
by Jun
tiffany wrote:这个精灵很不靠谱,我贴了段儿自称prego的blog上去,他还觉得我是男的。 :mrgreen:
I don't think the test works at all. My test also says Male.

Re: [zz] 代词与冠词的秘密

Posted: 2011-08-17 9:35
by Knowing

Re: [zz] 代词与冠词的秘密

Posted: 2011-08-17 9:36
by 笑嘻嘻
也许这个测试跟mad men的编剧一个逻辑的:办公室姑娘跟男的没区别,只有郊区主妇(betty)是女的,另一种物种。

Re: [zz] 代词与冠词的秘密

Posted: 2011-08-17 9:56
by Jun

Re: [zz] 代词与冠词的秘密

Posted: 2011-08-17 11:03
by Jun
我又测了几次,都不准。都要疑心了,这个测试里是不是 八年级以下词汇量=女的,八年纪以上=男的?

Re: [zz] 代词与冠词的秘密

Posted: 2011-08-17 11:06
by Isabella2009
One of the most interesting results was part of a study my students and I conducted dealing with status in email correspondence. Basically, we discovered that in any interaction, the person with the higher status uses I-words less (yes, less) than people who are low in status. The effects were quite robust and, naturally, I wanted to test this on myself. I always assumed that I was a warm, egalitarian kind of guy who treated people pretty much the same.

I was the same as everyone else. When undergraduates wrote me, their emails were littered with I, me, and my. My response, although quite friendly, was remarkably detached -- hardly an I-word graced the page. And then I analyzed my emails to the dean of my college. My emails looked like an I-word salad; his emails back to me were practically I-word free.


Re: [zz] 代词与冠词的秘密

Posted: 2011-08-17 11:21
by Knowing
Jun wrote:我又测了几次,都不准。都要疑心了,这个测试里是不是 八年级以下词汇量=女的,八年纪以上=男的?
但是悲惨的是,把男人的email 送进去,测出来也是女的!

Re: [zz] 代词与冠词的秘密

Posted: 2011-08-17 11:56
by 豪情
我测EMAIL的结果相当随机, 包括我自己和同事的. 长的有结构的是男的, 短的交谈性质的是女的.

Re: [zz] 代词与冠词的秘密

Posted: 2011-08-17 13:09
by 幻儿
据说是这么算的: ... 9a&ei=5070
Take any piece of fiction and do the following:

1. Count the number of words in the document.

2. For each appearance in the document of the following words ADD the number of points indicated:

'the' (17)

'a' (6)

'some' (6)

any number, written in digits or in words (5)

'it' (2)

3. For each appearance in the document of the following words SUBTRACT the number of points indicated:

'with' (14)

possessives, ending in 's' (5)

possessive pronouns, such as 'mine', 'yours', 'his', 'hers', (3)

'for' (4)

'not' or any word ending with 'n't' (4)

4. If the total score (after adding and subtracting as indicated) is greater than the total number of words in the document, then the author of the document is probably a male. Otherwise, the author is probably a female.

— Courtesy of Moshe Koppel, Bar-Ilan University, Israel, and Shlomo Argamon, Illinois Institute of Technology

Re: [zz] 代词与冠词的秘密

Posted: 2011-08-17 13:13
by Jun

Re: [zz] 代词与冠词的秘密

Posted: 2011-08-17 13:51
by 汝南
我觉得这很好理解啊。特别是学生给老师的邮件,当然是汇报自己做了什么。老师回邮,自然要摆出客观、权威的架子。I suppose,I think之类的让语调柔和一点的辅助词在老师给学生,特别是本科生的邮件中也不太会用的。