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Post by 德彪西 » 2015-01-10 17:21

六月的第一个傍晚,某驾车于返家途中遭遇追尾,当时是三车连环碰撞,我车是中间一辆。由于事故发生时车辆保险刚好告罄,于是我得自己来处理这件事情。索赔分两部分,人身伤害归责于对方的第三方伤害保险,该部分由律师跟进,车辆的损坏我决定自行处理。对方司机是一名年轻的穆斯林,21岁,在技校念书,并有一份周薪400的工作。以上是事情的大致背景。下来以后我做了自己这方面的功课,包括把车拖至专门的事故鉴定公司,得到两个不同单位独立发出的鉴定结果,向交通部登记报废,并购下另一辆车。期间这名男孩有主动联络我。接下来是根据鉴定公司的估价向对方发出索赔要求,未果,原因在于对方无法相信车子的损毁已达报废。于是诉诸民事法庭,在经历了庭外调解与开庭聆讯两个阶段后,庭喻(court order)是对方需全额赔偿所有损失。这结果其实并无太大悬念,因为对方司机从头到尾都没推诿过事故责任。以上是事情的前传,要说的故事其实从这里开始:在聆讯结束的当下,这男孩子主动过来和我商量,他还是一名学生,经济并不宽裕,问我可否接受分期还款,他的计划是先向信用卡透支出一半的数目,然后剩下的每周摊还。我考虑了一下,告诉他我亦曾是半工读过来的穷苦学生,并且当年收入比他低得多,透支信用卡需要支付十分高昂的利息(15%以上),非万不得已不要尝试,建议探索其他途径;原则上我同意他作分期付款,但是不能超过12个月;还款计划需有书面描述。彼此在庭前挥手道别以后,我按他的要求将自己的银行账户发出,接下来是一片沉寂,好多天里,既没有一大笔钱无缘无故地出现在我的帐上,也没有传说中的还款计划出现在我的邮箱里。现在回想起来,在与他有限的几次接触里头,我并不能百分之白确定这是怎样一个人,作出这个决定的出发点,与其说是赌一把自己看人的功力,不如说,我想尝试贯彻这样一种理念,给陌生人一点点善意,给诚信一次机会。当然哪怕赌输了这一把,在一个法治社会,我自然亦有其他可以备选的方案,但是我想试一试。昨天下午,当我在家无耻地摇着脚的时候,手机里叮咚一声,拿起看时,原来账上进来了一笔款子,正是索赔的全款。也就是说,这男孩子在我已经答应通融的情况下,主动把赔款一次性付清了。这对我自然是最好的结局了,非常可喜。于是我按原定计划,请他提名一个喜欢的慈善机构,以他的名义捐出了一百刀。这故事到这里就算结束了,在最后我想画蛇添足加上的评论是,从我的钱包永远能被陌生人原封不动地送回起,我便确信自己是一个非常幸运的人,并且这些幸运一直延续在我的生活之中,在路上,我们这些背包客永远能够得到陌生人一次次无私热情的帮助;然而我知道这幸运并不是天上白掉下来的,它折射出藏在这个社会各个角落里的点滴善意,而这些或许只是星罗棋布的真善美,其实就是你我在每一个可能的机会,给陌生人的一点小小善意,留在人们的心间,并于不知不觉间传递开去。熟悉我的人都知道,这就是我的社会理想,也许不是今天,也不是明天,然而涓涓细流,假以时日,必会汇成大海。我必须感谢这位年轻的穆斯林,是他让这个故事有了这样一个好的结局。

Posts: 214
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Re: 撞车也得记一笔

Post by 德彪西 » 2015-01-10 17:22

2014年的事情了,拿来这里骗一篇 :mrgreen:

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Re: 撞车也得记一笔

Post by simonsun » 2015-01-10 19:31


Violent delights.

Posts: 214
Joined: 2014-12-15 0:16

Re: 撞车也得记一笔

Post by 德彪西 » 2015-01-10 20:03

我一点也不意外这样的故事,并且相信它们每天都在地球不同地方上演 :mrgreen:


让我们一起pay it forward :-P

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Re: 撞车也得记一笔

Post by Jun » 2015-01-10 20:30



98年第一次去伦敦,下雨天跟朋友喝咖啡,把手袋忘记在桌上,出门没走两步才发现,赶紧跑回去找,发现已经被店员好好地收起来。伦敦一直警惕性很高,公众场合留下的包包立刻会被发现收起来以防炸弹。过了两年第二次去欧洲,在布鲁塞尔的公车上被小偷偷掉钱包,幸好护照不在钱包里 ...

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Re: 撞车也得记一笔

Post by 德彪西 » 2015-01-11 4:25

矮油纳个,我自己是希望这事情能让身边更多的人知道,所以特意翻了个英文版发在自己的脸书上,这里也贴上,骗字数 :-D

My first 2014 June evening began with my car being sandwiched in an accident. As the insurance has just run out at the time, I needed to handle this myself. I had my solicitor take care of the CTP claim, while I pursued the car damage myself. The driver of the other car appeared to be a young Muslim. At the scene, he promised me that he would fix all this. I then went away to do my homework: tolled the car to a yard and have it assessed. The damage turned out to be a 'repairable write-off' and so has the Qld Transport been notified. I issued a letter of demand to the driver for the loss. The claim was rejected, as he was not convinced of the total loss. He requested a second opinion which he is entitled to, and so I did, submitting a separate quote from another mechanic. As the claim continued to get rejected, I lodged a case with the <omitted/>. Mediation did not yield an agreement, and the case went onto hearing, after which, a court order was issued, granting me the full amount, effective immediately. The young man approached me right outside of the court room, asking if I would kindly consider an installment plan. He told me that he was an overseas student doing TAFE fulltime, and a parttime worker who earned $400 per week. He showed me his payslip eagerly to prove what he said (as I felt quite uncomfortable reading other people's payslip I took a quick scan on the paper probably just to appear reading). He also told me that his plan was to cash out half of the amount from his credit card, and pay back the rest as weekly installment. I took a moment to think about this, and told him that a. cashing out from credit card attracts very high interest, perhaps he should consider other options before the move; b. I am willing to consider any installment proposals but they need to be in writing not verbal; c. in any case the claim must be settled in full within 12 months. He seemed happy with what I said and asked if I could send him my bank account details. I did that the next day, emailing him my account info and restating my position. The communication went flat from that point. For days there wasn't a single cent mysteriously popping up in my bank account, nor there was that much anticipated 'payment plan' arrived in my inbox, no phone call no SMS'. It was a complete silence from the young man. I asked myself why I was even willing to consider an installment in the first place. I did not know much about this guy, he was not my friend nor my family, he was just a random stranger who hit me from behind in an odd Sunday evening. How much can I trust that he is a decent responsible person, am I putting my judgement on the line by agreeing to consider his proposal? But deep down in my heart, I know that decision that I made was not about placing a bet on the black or the white side of someone's soul, it is about something more primitive. I have always believed that everyone, regardless of who it is, deserves one chance. Simple as that. This might be a stranger that I am dealing with, but I think he still deserved a little bit of goodwill from another person, and vice versa. I wanted to give my theory a try, and that was what I wanted. Yesterday afternoon, as I was counting my fingers and toes out of boredom, there was a ding dong on my phone. I picked it up and read, apparently there was a large sum of money transferred into my account. I then counted the zeros (:P), one by one, Voilà, that was the *full* amount of the claim! Apparently he decided to pay it all up, even I had verbally agreed to an installment plan. What a nice surprise! Here was how the last bit of the story went: according to my plan, I then asked him to pick a charity of his favorite, and donated $100 under his name. And so the story ended.

So here I am writing down this story on a Wednesday morning, feeling happy. I think I have one person to thank, it was this young Muslim man who had brought a very happy ending to the story. I am forever convinced that I am a lucky person. It was when my wallet was always returned in tact by the strangers(sometimes they had to post it back from another city), it was when I received the genuine help and kindness when I needed them most on the road, I am convinced, that I am a truly lucky person. There are kindness hiding in the corners in this world, however they dont come out from the blue and they exist for a reason. Everytime when we decided to give a little helping hand to a random stranger, everytime we added a little kindness when dealing with others, the goodwill is planted, and some day, it will be passed on and blossom, because it will.

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Re: 撞车也得记一笔

Post by cc2121 » 2015-01-12 3:13

上個禮拜六晚上不肯做飯, 出去吃麥當勞, 回家路上發現2張卡,撿起來一看, 居然是我自己的駕證和銀行卡. :shock:
去年ATM取錢, 拿了卡居然沒有拿錢. 第二天才發現, 打電話去銀行, 一個月居然將錢轉回戶頭. 銀行表示沒有人拿走.

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Re: 撞车也得记一笔

Post by 德彪西 » 2015-01-12 4:32


Posts: 69
Joined: 2007-07-07 9:32

Re: 撞车也得记一笔

Post by cc2121 » 2015-01-12 5:37

還有這個智商. :let_me_die:

手機簽約的第一天晚上, 沖完廁所發現裡面粉紅色的一團.當然是新手機! ...用吹風機吹吹, 居然還能用. :worthy:

手機掉在飯店裡, 過了一個禮拜再去問. 店主說等你回來取等到手機都沒電了.
帽子在新幹線掉了, 被車站工作人員追了好久送回來, 然後還是在德島的渡輪上丟了.

pay it forward.

Posts: 214
Joined: 2014-12-15 0:16

Re: 撞车也得记一笔

Post by 德彪西 » 2015-01-12 6:37

楼上 --> :worthy:

其实我也有一些,有钱包在异地丢了自己都没发现,人家根据里头的学生证一路找到学生宿舍,而彼时我已毕业搬到另一个城市,结果人又千里迢迢给我寄过来,里头超过一百刀现金是分文不少,重点是我到现在根本不知道对方是谁 :wacko:

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